Good enough for Shakespeare; good enough for you. Give ‘em a whirl. Your words will sing.
Alliteration: Dead as a doornail. Ban the bomb. Burn your bra. Power to the people.
Polyptoton: Please please me. Grace me no grace. The rain it raineth every day. A stranger in a strange land.
Antithesis (one thing, then another): The well-bred contradict others. The wise contradict themselves.
Merism (name all the parts): Ladies and gentlemen. Wedded wife. Night and day (a merism for always). Cannons to the right. Cannons to the left.
Blazon (Merism too far): Full fathom five thy father lies; of his bones are coral made ..
Synaesthesia (coupling senses): She smelled the way Taj Mahal looks by moonlight
Aposiopesis (can’t go on): Like … If only …
Hyberbaton (odd order): Patter-pitter of tiny feet. Stone walls do not a prison make.
Anadiplosis (repeat last word in first word of next phrase): Suffering breeds character; character breeds faith …
Diacope: Bond, James Bond. Words, pure words. Burn, baby, burn. Events, dear boy, events.
Epistrophe: End each sentence with the same word … tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth.
Tricolon: Eat, drink and be merry. Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Epizeuxis: Location. Location. Location.
Syllepsis: He took his hat, coat, and then his life. (Pun).
Isocolon (balance): Roses are red, violets are blue. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. In defeat, unbeatable; in victory, unbearable
Paradox: There’s only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that’s no being talked about
Chiasmus: Mind on my money and money on my mind. Nice to see you, to see you nice. Tea for two and two for tea.
Assonance (repeating vowel sound): Deep heat. Blue moon.
Catachresis (so wrong it’s right): I will speaker daggers to her. Thunderbirds are go. Curiouser and curiouser
Litotes (deny opposite): Not bad. Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note.
Metonymy: All eyes were on the government. The face that launched a thousand ships.
Transferred epithets (transfer adjective to wrong noun): The man smoked a nervous cigarette. Loneliness seeps through the soles of his feet. Dizzy heights. Guilty secrets. The most unkindest cut.