Writing for business

Professional writing & marcomms for B2B technology and professional service providers. Your customers will notice.

Vernacular n. The commonly spoken language of a particular people or place.

A quick message from Big Cheese and Chief Wrangler, Richard Carter

I’m stoked you got this far – it means you’re keen to learn more about what I can do for you…. even though I imagine you can write and have tried helpful writing tools, like ChatGPT.

They’re great for creating plausible-sounding words, at next to no cost.

But you’re not interested in sounding plausible. You’ve been there, done that, and nobody noticed.

And like me, I bet you’re bombarded with these kinds of words and messages. And you know what happens to them – delete.

You don’t want to end up there.

The best thing – no, the only thing – is to sound human.

That’s why people like me are more important than ever to businesses like yours – businesses that value human connections.

Human connections happen with the right words.

Words that start life deep in the cerebrum, not an algorithm.

Words that grab attention and keep customers reading, sliding them down the “slippery slope”(trust me, that’s a good thing) so they do what you intended – pick up the phone and ring, sign up to your newsletter, and rave about you on LinkedIn.

Hell, they might even come knocking on your door.

See, you’ll be way ahead of all those people pulling the levers on AI.

Now give this good human a call to sound more human.

Your customers will love you for it.

Richard Carter – 021 526-559

A little more about Vernacular

Since 2013, Vernacular has used narrative to help its clients sell, grow, change course, and sound plausible in a tight spot.

The name Vernacular acknowledges that facts never speak for themselves – they must knit with a coherent narrative to change the minds of the people who matter.

By necessity I get down in the weeds, consulting and writing for B2B companies in technology, professional services, media, and building and construction sectors. It’s tough, unglamorous work that requires an experienced head to test your ideas and make complicated subjects more meaningful.

Vernacular’s writing & marcomms projects take many forms, ranging from brand articulation and corporate message development to specific outputs produced on demand, including case studies, by-line articles and thought leadership, bids and proposals, news releases, interview preparation, service propositions, conference and speaking materials, website content, and trade advertising.

If you’ve read this far – good. It’s probably the right place to tell you why a professional writer is better than AI.

Writing work

Vernacular has completed B2B writing and marcomms projects for the companies listed below.

Air New Zealand: Passenger & cargo carrier
Alchemy: Network connectivity
Assemble: Construction documentation
Auxo: Automotive software
Base2: Managed IT services
BIMNZ: BIM industry group
BRANZ: Industry research
CCL: Cloud and IT services
Chillisoft: Security software distributor
EnviroWaste: Waste management
Experience Points: Business class user experience
Goodwins: Real estate
Hawaiki Cable: Subsea telecommunications
Hydroxsys: Cleantech
Infosys: IT services
ITW: Engineered fasteners and components, equipment, and consumable systems
Jade: Technology solutions

Media Works: Media and entertainment
MSN: Digital Advertising Network
NEC: Technology and electronics
Nodero: Digital experts for human centred technology
NZME: Media and entertainment
Opus WSP: Engineering
Pryda: Building and construction
Pyrios: Contact centre technology
Ramsetreid: Construction materials
RedBull: Explosives
Revera: Cloud infrastructure
SafetyWise: Workplace safety
Salesforce: CRM
Schneider: Industrial automation
Spark: Telecommunications and digital infrastructure
Trust Management: Financial services provider
Virsae: UC diagnostics

They say:

Richard finds the nuggets in your story and explains them in a way that makes people nod their heads.

– Katie Mills, Chief Marketing Officer, NZME

I love reading Vernacular's material - it's always clean and crisp.

Wendy O’Hearn, Marketing & Strategy Manager, Pryda

Vernacular consistently hits the mark, producing content that is impactful, engaging, and easy to read.

– Melisa Resanovic, Market Development Manager, Reid Construction Systems

We’re spoiled with Vernacular - Richard is on to it.

– Alison Lambden, Marketing & Communications Manager, Virsae

I love Vernacular's work - makes me feel excited about content again.

– Tammy Downer, Customer Marketing, Spark New Zealand

It's always fun to read the headlines Richard sends us.

– Takumi Kinjo, Marketing Manager, Figured