Bids and tenders

Bid writing, from strategy and pitch theme development, to supporting bid contributors, writing specific sections, and final editing. Vernacular slots into your bid team and gets the job done.

When you can’t be there to tell your story, everything rides on the quality of your tender documents.

20+ years writing B2B sales and marketing documents and content, Vernacular principal Richard Carter knows how to establish your business as the obvious first choice.

In his formative years he worked in the bid team at a large civil engineering firm, winning tenders for nationally significant building and roading projects.

More recently he’s written tenders and bid documents that have won major contracts to supply technology services to government, technology and component hardware to major building suppliers, and industrial solutions to food producers.

Vernacular will:

  • Work with you at the bid planning stage to sharpen your pitch theme and discern table stakes from the winning hand
  • Source and collate existing material to create a working document at the frontend of the tender project
  • Produce specific bid inputs, such as project team member profiles and project work snapshots
  • Manage the working document, bid contributor inputs, and editing
  • Conduct a final review and polish

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